Month: July 2012

  • teacups for you

    Can’t do anything more clever today.  But I found this funny little poem style called a “teacup dictionary” which gave me the opportunity to read the dictionary.  So I took that opportunity and give you these just because.  It’s all about syllables.  I can count most of the time.


    precisely so
    awful picky


    better than you
    look down our nose


    it goes forever
    finish already


    beautiful sound
    flowing gently


    This little gem is not mine.  We did acrostics at camp today.  The boy who we thought (two weeks ago) didn’t speak any English wrote this one.  I giggled.

    Snake does



    Kangaroo’s question because snake’s

    Ear is small



  • revenge of sunshine

    I’m wearing my passive aggressive this morning.  Spouseman made me a t-shirt with my favorite Johnny Cash song on it.  You know, “You Are My Sunshine”- perfectly innocent, right?  Absolutely nothing wrong with wearing that shirt to class today.  That professor will have no idea whatsoever what I’m saying to him.  And the kids, who are the reason I’m there, might feel inclined to sing a song with me.

    It makes me happy, boys and girls.  And now I have an app for that thing too. 


  • 30 days of nothing better to say

    I stole this from cestovatelka. oh my gosh. i think that’s almost right (it wasn’t, but i fixed it).  anyhow.  she did some of it today and it was really interesting.  mine is not, but surely this is better than saying nothing (ha) or posting more melodramatic poetry.  it’s another saturday night. yada yada.

    Day 01 – Name two significant people in your life and explain why.  LLO and Spawn.  They ARE my life.
    Day 02 – What is your stance on religion? Would you affiliate yourself with any? I have an affiliation Sept through May.  I worship at the holy slacker during the summer.
    Day 03 – What band/musician is most important to you? Explain why. Beethoven. He’s brilliant.
    Day 04 – If you could chose a time period to be born at, which one would it be and why? Um. I wanna be Laura Ingalls Wilder.  I’m that kind of dork.
    Day 05 – At what age were you the happiest? Probably right now.  If not necessarily right this second.
    Day 06 – Name five things from your wishlist.  a money tree, happy younguns, to be just so, a cherry red ’65 mustang convertible laughing, a few more hours in the day.
    Day 07 – Do you read? If so, what are your three favorite books and why? Yes.  Harry Potters, Chrysanthemum, Jane Austen (yes, i cheated).  these are books I’ve read aloud at least once because I like them.  Especially Chrysanthemum.  It’s perfect.
    Day 08 – If you could live anywhere, where would you live and why? a deserted island with an extensive library and a margarita stand. no explanation needed, i think.
    Day 09 – How old do you think you act? Explain. Somewhere in the ballpark of 13.  I’m a drama queen and I’m still on that long road to maturity.
    Day 10 – If you could only live off of one food and one beverage for the rest of your days, what would they be? Right. lime chips and coffee.
    Day 11 – What is your favorite quote? How does it relate to your life? “Daddy, you’re my whole world.  But Mommy’s better.”  LLO said that when she was little and it makes me laugh.
    Day 12 – What item of clothing do you wear the most? underwear
    Day 13 – What can you not live without? oxygen
    Day 14 – Name things that you do every day. pick people’s junk up off the floor because we don’t have object permanence yet, procrastinate, roll my eyes, laugh, step on a cat.
    Day 15 – Who is someone you admire. Why? People who have it all together because I don’t.
    Day 16 – If the world were to end tomorrow, what would you do with your remaining time on earth? freak out
    Day 17 – What do you want to be when you get older? Why did you choose it? alive. duh.
    Day 18 – If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would it be? What would you say to them or ask them? No idea, but I’d probably start with “hello”
    Day 19 – What is your favorite film? Why is it so important to you? Pride and Prejudice.  Because I’m a sappy romantic and I love it.
    Day 20 – Would you consider yourself an optimist or a realist? Why? optimist.  for the most part I believe the best of everyone.
    Day 21 – Do you want children? Why or why not? Been there, done that.
    Day 22 – What subject did/do you excel in/at school? English and math (except calculus and trig, both of which were invented by the devil)
    Day 23 – Are you a fan of art? If so, who is your favorite artist? What artistic movement do you prefer? Yes.  I dig Monet and his thing.
    Day 24 – How attractive do you consider yourself?  There’s no answer to that.
    Day 25 – Would you rather date someone plain with an amazing personality or someone beautiful with a plain personality? personality 100%
    Day 26 – Choose two: mentally stable, intelligent, attractive. Explain why you chose those two. mentally stable and intelligent.  They are more important and last longer.
    Day 27 – Which do you prefer: films or television? Why? doesn’t matter. maybe television because the season lasts longer.
    Day 28 – If you could choose to live forever, would you? Why or why not? No. I’m not sure that forever is going to be such a great place.
    Day 29 – Do you wish for anything at 11:11? If so, what do you wish for? Has anything ever come true?  What is 11:11?  I wish on 12:07 and no.
    Day 30 – What do you imagine your life like at age fifty?I’m gonna guess it’ll be pretty much like it is now except that I’ll have a kid in college.

  • power

    who has it
    who takes it
    whose mind is wrapped around
    the idea of belonging
    to the elite of
    who deserves it-
    perhaps those who have and take
    deserve it the least

    but sometimes we give
    and let have
    in which case
    we are the sorry souls
    and we get what we deserve
    as we watch those we have
    given the gift of power

    smite us

    everything i’m currently pondering seems to have someone or someones with power at the center.  i’m making an effort to put my center back together in a different way.  and maybe i’ll find my invisible airplane while i’m there.





  • cat lessons

    Here’s the problem with the world.  I’m using world, you can replace with country, state, playground, backyard.

    My house is well populated with cats.  They come to us through no fault of mine.  (Ha. That’s not true. But still.)  We have one big, stupid, nasty boy cat.  He’s a bully.  He’s also pretty and soft and can be really sweet.  But most of the time he has the brain power of a turnip and the personality of a . well never mind.  He just now wanted to go outside.  He tried to wake up spouseman, but that appears to be impossible today.  I agree. Spouseman is somewhat more motivated to let him out faster, what with how Trouble (that’s the cat’s name) prefers to bite than use his words.  I don’t play that particular game.  The last thing I’m going to do if you chew on my leg, cat, is let you out.  Anyhow. I digress (which is what’s going to happen since I haven’t had any coffee yet today). 

    Using my keen spidey sense, I got the idea that stupid wanted to go outside.  I’m very well-trained, after having waiting eons for him to go out the front door on numerous occasions, I’ve got it through my fuzzy, human head that he’s a back door cat.  So to the back door I go, following this big, stupid, mean cat.  I let him out as is my sworn duty.  He saunters out there, plops his butt down 2 feet from the door and surveys his domain. 

    Well, Pandora wants a little outside time too.  She sees me heading to the door and using her superior girl cat brain power comes along.  She must wait until Trouble has exited the building.  She’s young, she didn’t really want to let the master go first, but she bowed to his wishes in that regard.  Well, he is not satisfied.  He doesn’t want her to come out at all.  It is HIS land.  He makes the decisions. 

    It’s a big backyard (from a cat perspective.)  There is no reason that they can’t both come out the back door to explore.

    Boys and girls.  How about we share.  It’s a big world out there.  Plenty of room for everyone. 

  • random collection

    I used to have stuff to say.  Perhaps I will again someday.  Until then.  We have this.

    Interesting turn of events in my land.  Spawn used to complain when I was on Xanga and kinda acted like I was crazy and/or obsessed.  We’ve turned a corner.  The other day she asked me to post something of hers and has been casually reminding me repetitively (nagging me) to do it.

    So here’s that.

    and the other one.

    This made me laugh.

    Words to live by.

    I thought this was cool, but I got dragged a different direction before I could get closer.

    I was going to save this for a long philosophical discussion.  The point being that all humans are 99.9% genetically similar. Our differences are hardly worthy of discussion.  So maybe we could all get along.

    I’m excavating for floor in LLO’s room.  How fun is that.  It would be great if someone distracted me from that.  Thanks.

  • life’s a beach

    I’m going to take a little trip.  Not really.  There are a couple things I could use right now.  A vacation is one.  And the beach is the other. 

    For a bunch of years we did a beach vacation with some friends of ours.  It really was the best week of the whole year.  We’d start talking about it when we starting paying deposits on our palatial accommodations (a couple of those years we shared a house with our friends too- the best of the best trips).  Deposits started in November.  So there was excitement in our land pretty much from November to when we went- which was almost always late July. The vacation lived up to the hype too. 

    We didn’t go last year and we’re not going this year.  It sucks.  I’m not gonna lie.  They are leaving tomorrow and staying two weeks.  I’m not necessarily jealous.  We survived staying home last year and we’ll survive again this year.  We have other things going on and it’s ok.  We have priorities too, of course, that don’t include spending 2-3 months mortgage on a rental for a week of vacation.  And that’s that. 

    It’s more a philosophical thing.  This is the beach we do.  It’s Long Beach Island, New Jersey (not to be confused with Long Island).  It’s a skinny island accessible with only one road.  At one end of the island is Barnegat Lighthouse and at the other end is the other end.  I’ve actually never been to the other end.  Who needs to go to the other end when there is this perfection.  The beaches on the section of the island where we stayed are only open to a couple blocks of homes and the island is not very wide there.  It’s not crowded and it has life guards.  You can see how beautiful it is.

    It’s a state of mind.  It’s freedom and fun.  It’s letting loose.  When the biggest thing you have to worry about is sunscreen.  When the tidal chart is more important than the calendar.  When the sound of surf replaces every other noise.  When every day is a gift covered in sand and salt.  Add in puzzles and twizzlers and books and sharing dinners and laughter and friends.  It’s heaven.

    this is LLO looking particularly cute and attitudinal.  maybe 7 or 8. 

    I admit it.  I’d rather be there than here.

  • four eyes

    I’m some kind of silly today.  (Who I am kidding? I’m often some kind of silly.)  Yesterday I had the wonderful pleasure of visiting my very fine optician to find out why the heck I can’t read the phone book anymore.  Dang, it sucks to get old.  She upped the voltage on the close up side of my bifocals.  For crying out loud, it does stick in my craw that I have to have bifocals now (I mean again. still. already.)  Bifocals are for 80 year olds not 40 year olds.  (Isn’t that great how I just made you think I’m closer to 40 than 50?  I’m so clever.)  Where was I?  Oh, yes, I’m telling you about glasses prescriptions because I went to pick out my new frames because I would like to be able to read the phone book and to see words without holding them across the room.  I took Spawn with me.  Begged her actually.  Because.. 1) how in the heck can I pick out frames when I can’t freaking see and 2) she has good taste and 3) she can be entertaining.  She was clearly more than ok with this considering a conversation we had on the way home.  Which you’ll have to wait for because I’m pretending to be focused and chronologically organized.  I hope that’s working, because I’m actually neither today.

    Anyhow.  Spawn and I were at Target- kinda in a hurry because we had an hour to pick out, pay, and get back across town to pick up LLO.  We were late.  Which earned me a lecture since I was late to class this morning which meant Spouseman was late to pick up LLO from swim practice and therefore she was even later to camp than usual.  So I’m a little bit in the doghouse with her.  Funny girl at dinner asked if I was done eating.  I had food on my fork at the time and a plate full of food.  So, no, I wasn’t.  I asked if she wanted me to be done so she could watch tv.  Yes, of course that was the answer.  It was made clear that I didn’t care if she watched some mind-numbing tv as long as it was not My Freaking Little Pony.  For the record, she was busy all day, so she got a slow start on the brain rotting today.

    Target.  Spawn and I are at Target picking out my new glasses.  There really is a story here.  About glasses.  So we’re looking at all kinds of things and she’s giving me her opinion and such.  Then I start channeling my connection with apple woman and her funny story about shopping.  Oh, it wasn’t shopping today, it was hospital gowns.  But recently she had the story about hardware.  And her shopping stories make me laugh.  And apparently her hospital gown stories do too, because I was thinking about that and laughing to myself.  Until it wasn’t to myself anymore.

    Glasses.  I forget what even started it, but we got in the mode.  And by the time we’re sitting down at the little table, we have the salesclerk smiling too.  And I have my nose in the mirror trying on all these funky glasses because I can’t see.  Incidentally, her name was my name too, minus the e.  Do you know that song?  John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, la la la la la la la la.  Here it is if you don’t know it.  Did you like Sesame Street?  I never really did.  And neither did my kids.  Of course Elmo was in his own world by the time my kids were Sesame Street age and holy crap that is bad stuff.  Although I do like Mr. Noodle.  On Elmo’s World. Get your mind out of the gutter.

    Yea. So my name minus the e suggests I flip the mirror over to the big side and I about jumped out of my chair because no one needs to see their face that big and I still couldn’t see anyhow.  And she laughed.  We’re looking at all these glasses and Spawn can’t focus today either.  She says she slept too much. I think my excuse is I slept too little.  And frankly I’m annoyed with her a little bit.  We had that conversation in the car too.  Where she has this great life of sleeping in and reading all day.  Wouldn’t it be great to be a teenager again.  I would love that.  That was the best life.

    Finally picked out the ones.  They are blue.  Not joking even.  I’m going from Bo Ring to blue.  They are just so cool.  I’m thinking to myself in the store that I might need to be getting my grown up out for a test drive.  You know.  Graduate. Get a real job.  Quite playing around.  Set a good example.  And then I pick out blue glasses.  I almost picked out glasses that were very much like the glasses I had in the 80′s or 90′s.  Because I loved glasses back then.  Big honking suckers that covered your whole face.  Those were the kind of glasses I liked.  Not these puny little things that just help you see.  I prefer multi-purpose eyewear.

    Anyhow. So we’re doing all the glasses lining up things.  Spawn and I carrying on the whole time.  My name minus the e tells me to sit up straight and put my hands in my lap.  And honestly, can I do that?  I give it a good try, but I’m already working up a giggle.  And she’s trying to make a line on the glasses (probably for those damn bifocals) and then my name minus e starts laughing too.  She can’t draw a straight line.  I just started giggling.  Couldn’t stop.  Finally we both calm down (mostly) and she gets the line drawn. 

    Spawn notices this poster of a girl with big brown eyes (who must be advertising contacts) and she says “she’s staring deep into my soul”.  Yes, my girl is a poet.  And I said, “she wants you to clean your room”.  My name minus e thought that was hilarious.  Pretty sure she’s pregnant, so I think if she doesn’t already know about children and their cleanliness issues, she will.  This is the portion of the adventure where I realize we have to leave like right this second if I have a prayer of being on time.  I tell Spawn to go get her sister.  And this results in the expected eye rolling.  This is my current favorite joke.  It never fails to get the right response.  MOM. I’m TOO YOUNG TO DRIVE.  Golly that cracks me up.  We pursued this line of conversation as it’s either laugh about the impending doom of the world (as that kid hits the road) or start popping those drugs that are good for ulcers because who in the heck is going to teach her how to drive.  She mentioned that her grandfather is a responsible adult.  I jumped on the “I do not think so” bandwagon pretty fast on that.  Both of those elder male drivers are just freaking terrifying on the road.  She truthfully asserts that Grandpa could teach her how to buy tires and change her oil.  Absolutely.  But I had to add that she already knows how to lick tires.  Because that is my second favorite joke.  The girl licked one tire when she was 4 because she wanted to know something about that.  (I’m serious.)  I’ll be in the old folks home still razzing her about that.  Because it gets the right response.  For a smart girl, she really isn’t so smart sometimes. 

    We carried on the whole time we were there.  My name minus e thanked us for being the most fun she’d had all day.  We thanked her as well.  (And I bought blue glasses.)  It’s no fun to make a scene when it isn’t appreciated.

    On the ride home, Spawn asks me if we can have some mother/daughter bonding: shopping, lunch, something else but I forget what it was.  Absolutely.  And she asks if LLO can too.  Sure.  And LLO wants that too, but this week she’d like our bonding to be cooking.  Who is this person.



  • what I have to say about art

    I like sculpture gardens.  I just do.  Maybe I like them because they are outside.  Maybe I don’t need a reason.  For whatever reason, sensical or not, I probably enjoyed the sculpture garden at the Smithsonian more than anything else.

    Come with me.

    I had to explain what this was to the kids. (it’s an eraser) Then I heard somebody repeating my explanation to his family.  Claes Oldenburg.  Lookie there.  He also did that fantastic clothespin in Philthydelphia.

    Yes. They have no heads.  Some naughty young men got into trouble because they jumped over the fence to take photos.  Who would do such a thing?  Not me, I only take photos when the sign says not to.  Ha. (If I can get away with it.)

    Fountain.  Nice.  Really nice.  Stupendously wonderfully fantastically nice.

    Good place for feets.

    mine too.  whatever.

    Rabbit?  Makes me want to look for the Red Queen.

    This one appealed to me.  Because it does.

    Chairs.  Kinda reminds me of a stacking game we used to play.  Called Chairs.  :)   Looks different from the front.

    This sucker was interesting.  It looked different with every step.  From where I was standing, I could see that the walls are not facing out.  I can’t make my eyes see it the way it really is, even though I was there and KNOW how it is.  I kinda want to drive back there right this second and figure it out.  I also wish I’d read the placard now. Oh, of course, Roy Liechtenstein. (spelling nebulous there)  Have a link, because it is just THAT COOL.

    This was my other favorite.  I’m disappointed with my capture.  I was rushed.  That’s my excuse.  And people kept getting in my way.

    We actually made it TO the modern art museum.  Nobody wanted to be there but me and I was tired too.  So we walked through the gift shop and then left.  I do think these viney trees are super cool.

    As is this fantastic door. 

    And another fountain.

    That’s what I have to say about art.




  • larning new stuff

    Since I happen to have stuff I’m supposed to be doing, I think I’ll just give you all some more pictures.

    First stop at the Smithsonian was the Castle.  I’d never been in there before.  James Smithson donated a fortune so the little old US could have a cool place to learn stuff.  He’d never been here.  There’s a crypt thing in the castle that suggests he visited.. later. I’m presuming the statue is Smithson.

    Here’s the back end.  Better lighting apparently so it doesn’t look so gothic.  What an odd sort of building to see in a big city.

    On this back side there was a beautiful garden.  My kids were flabbergasted that it was a rooftop garden.  They couldn’t grasp that idea, even after we went 3 floors down in the museum.  I’ll tell you about the African Art exhibit later.  It’s only there from June to December, I think.  Very cool stuff.  I’m wandering a bit here.  I thought this “tree” was so bizarre.  It’s a dhobi tree.  There were lots of them. 

    A magnolia tree- still blooming!  And one of the skylights for the museum below.  And some lovely construction in the background too.

    I love this fountain!! Against my better judgment, I gave the girls coins to toss down.  I was pretty sure something untoward would happen.  They’d hit someone on the head and we’d get sued or they’d fall over the railing.  But, no, not this time.  Anyhow.  Spawn missed the fountain and her coin landed in the plants on the second floor (the spikey green things inside the railing?) and of course LLO would hear nothing of what I said.  I did amuse a lady entering the staircase (which was spiral of course) when I said I was going to replace her with a dog.  Then LLO got down there and was doing who knows what to get that coin back (I couldn’t watch) and the security guard said “no refunds” which made Spawn and I laugh our heineys off.  And she snuck up on the elevator and let Spawn try again.  And we all three laughed hysterically until we managed to find Spouseman who is so above our humor that he was hiding.

    See? Green spikey plants. 

    So, I said I really liked it, right?  One more shot. From the bottom. 

    One more fountainy thing.  I’m not going to do it justice.  The oval parts are covered in water.  The middle one is a mirror.  Light comes from an angle and reflects onto the screen which is the cyclops smiley face.  It was really cool and I wished I had the right psychics words to ‘splain it to LLO (who wasn’t listening to me anyhow.)  Um. I mean physics of course.  I disliked physics so much, I can’t say the word even now.

    And now I’m laughing again.  You wish that you amused yourself as much I amuse myself.