May 25, 2013

  • small people

    During sharing last week, a kid was talking about a baseball game.  Then he mentioned that his dad took him to the concussion stand.  I giggled.  At the time.  And I just remembered and started giggling again.  Because these people amuse me.

    You just never know what is going to come out of their mouths.  I shouldn’t say that, because I have to eat with children and that’s a different issue entirely.  Anyhow, I meant that the things they say can be so entertaining. 

    A 2nd grade boy, interesting child that he is, from China (I think) found a bag of well-heated dog deposit on the playground the other day.  He walked it over to his teacher and said “did you lose your animal feces?”  Disgusting, true, but the options for conversation were so different than what was produced.

    Then the other day, equally disgusting, sorry, our walking talking band-aid was explaining the word “flesh” to the class. I don’t know why, don’t ask.  Well, his explanation of picking scabs and such was clearly spoken from his vast experience.  I had to smile if only in an “oh. my. god.” kind of way.

    Anyhow.  I’m working on baby quilts for teacher’s twins.  This is where we are with that. Pretty darn cute?

    The other one which isn’t quite so far along- missing a couple squares yet and pretty sloppy too.

    And there we are. Another day disappearing in a flash.

Comments (15)

  • Children make me laugh too. And quilting is one thing I have not learned in all my years. I would’ve liked to learn how though. Yours looks fabulous.

  • Kids are my fav people-group on the planet! They are so honest and so funny…and most of the time they’re not trying to be funny!

    I would NOT want a concussion from The Concussion Stand!

    OH!!! Your quilts are turning out FABULOUS! She is gonna’ love them! The children’s artwork on them is so cool!


  • @adamswomanback Great baby quilt; I know a couple of shops which would be apt to purchase them, but I do not know where you are.  They take a large margin of the money, but 24th street in San Francisco near home there has a most exquisite baby shop.  Check baby shops near Castro and 24th, for it

    has to be a shop efete enough to please well off Mom and Dads.  And here in Cincinnati is the most wonderful place in the world — King Arthur’s toys next to ice cream parlor with early 20th century fixtures, perfect candies made in their factory — From sundaes to banana splits, even sandwiches; that’s the next stop, and then you have The Mother Goose Bookshop next to an early childhood clothing store;  the reasons we choose a town away from the coast to come back to again and again.

    I should have taught really brigjt children, for I will take so much time to answer a question.  Today I had to explain what, “Elevation,” means to a child, and it was just right, but he is such a smart little person.

    I think God blesses us with the early years to make us enjoy as things get dicey beginning with puberty.  I have come to a heartbreaking situation that my eldest daughter is somewhat psychopathic, for she always has an angle to measure what she gets out of a deal.  She absolutely lies about her early grown up experiences with love, and if she does not get her way–then she is waiting to symbolicly  kick one in the teeth.  She chose to date morons, and when they all burned her, then she started having a hot and long romance with a lesbian gal.

    But at the time, it got her the jobs which she wanted, so no matter how hard one tries, and as much as you love them–When they are older and simply crucify one parent; I am advising folks that they usually waste their breath endeavoring to mend it.  This gal is simply evil, and she always has been when I remember how she would break her sister in to pieces or endeavor to evoke harm between my husband and me.

    So share more about the little ones.  Wake us up with their abiding sweet heads of clay == Just help to mold them and to motivate them  We older parents will enjoy hearing it; I promise!

    Barbara Everett Heintz, “Pinkhoneysuckle,” on Amazon, Kindle, and Create Space

  • Yes, kids are funny.  Sometimes what they say makes more sense than adult talk.  The baby quilts are great.

  • I have a friend who has a neighbor who picks up his dog feces when he walks his dog, ties them up in a little bag, and drops them on the curb next to my friend’s trash dumpster. What does it mean?!?

  • @ordinarybutloud - it means they have an arrangement or the neighbor is a butthead.
    @ata_grandma - i prefer talking to kids.  you get a straight answer.
    @PinkHoneysuckle - i get a kick out of kid stories myself.
    @adamswomanback - nope. it’s pure kidness.  :) love ‘em.
    @armnatmom - you could do it.  you just have to let go the concept of perfection.  :)

  • Happy Sunny Sunday in SunshineLand!!!
    HUGS, too!!!

  • Small people never cease to amaze me with some of the most brilliant thoughts. It’s as if their brains are wired a wee bit differently & in a sense, I guess that’s true since they see life with different eyes. Never a bad thing.

    Loved the quilts. Both my sisters & my daughter have done that as a hobby. I never had the patience or talent.  LOL…

    Happy Memorial Day, Carrie…

  • These are beautiful, you have a great talent. 

  • yay quilts happy memorial day and I’m thinking? nap :D

  • You put light on interesting subjects!  

  • @distractedbyzombies - sure. you just need to have a baby.  :D

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