Month: February 2012

  • kitty

    Ninjapsychomicrokitten is in a playful mood this morning.  She has been very helpful.  She helped me make the bed- by crawling in it (of course).  She helped me walk, but walking with me.  She helped with my dry skin, by chewing it off.  And she helped me laugh by stealing this piece of my bathrobe.

    (i left the lampshade in the picture, just for fun)

    Now she has escaped into the snow.   Have a nice day, small kitten.


  • shameless narcissism

    for @lanney

    i just have the one.  i think i was 4.  nice bowl cut, huh?  that would be the brother who is never mentioned because i don’t have anything nice to say about him.  laughing

  • hey look @xXxlovelylollipop

    it doesn’t totally stink!!  i’m kinda pleased with myself. (yea, my scanner is pretty dirty)

  • such a blond

    Just had one of those conversations with the spawn.  I think she must be taking a drawing class at school.  Yes, I should know this for sure.  I saw her sitting upstairs in front of the mirror drawing a few minutes ago.  Then she came into my room of torture (the place where I attempt to concentrate on this boring crap I have to read- it’s not really boring- and I really do complain a lot don’t I?), with the self portrait.  In a frustrated tone of voice (perpetual for her this past week), she said that she needs to work on this 30 more minutes and do I have any suggestions for what she could do.  In spite of my gut reactions 1) really, you have a minimum time to spend on this piece of art? and 2) it rocks as it is- I proceeded to give her some suggestions.  Then I looked at her face which was most definitely saying that she didn’t really want suggestions.  So.  Why did she ask?  I mean, really, I have been her mother for 15 years and some.  Was there some time in there that I didn’t give her help when she asked for it?  I don’t think so.

    In fact in 1st grade I got in trouble for helping her too much.  Why she tattled on me, I do not know.  The girl has had some issues with getting stuff done.  (Another way she is completely UNLIKE her mother.  Oh, she’s blond, did I say that yet?)  And honestly, her 1st grade classroom was so busy with entertaining stuff to look at that I had trouble concentrating in there.  Anyhow, so she brought schoolwork home one weekend.  Lots of it.  And 99.99% of it was coloring.  Coloring!!  Sorry to say, I don’t think of coloring as schoolwork.  Don’t get me wrong, I love to color.  We used to take coloring books on vacation and I would sit and color with my girlies.  And I still have a wonderful historical women coloring book from when I was a teen.  So, I have no problem with coloring.  Except when it’s sent home as tardy schoolwork in vast quantities.  So I did that thing I knew better than to do.  I helped her color a page.  And she told on me and her teacher reprimanded me.  And I was embarrassed and suitably chastised and have never helped my children color their homework again.  (And Littleloudone’s first grade homework was math and reading and spelling and real schoolwork, thank you very much.)

    Anyhow.  Spawn is irritated with me for doing what she asked.  However, she let me take a photo of it anyhow.

    It’s really good, isn’t it? (Even though my suggestions were valid.  just saying.)

    My best IRL friend, who also happens to be a blond, (all these freaking blonds in my life) thinks spawn needs someone to talk to and has volunteered for the job.  I’m grateful, because my friend is cool, much younger than I am, and clearly generous- and what teenage girl doesn’t need someone to talk to.  Anyhow.  Spawn told her (friend) that she(spawn) believes that she (spawn) is maturing and I’m going the other way.  Ladies.  Thank you so much.  I think they both miss giggling with me. 

    This would have been a lot funnier if I could actually remember the funny blond things that Spawn has said today.


  • in which i get back on the f-ing bike

    i have nothing to say that makes any sense, serves any purpose, yada yada.

    incidentally, in 3rd grade littleloudone gave a book report that included “yada yada” as the main content.  i privately laughed myself silly.  of course she had to give another one. 

    spawn announced last night as i was on my way out the door to starbucks to start reading and support whatever it was i was supporting about starbucks, which i have now forgotten.  i’m rather forgetful lately.  oh, i forgot to finish the sentence.  she announced that she has a sleepover birthday party to go to tonight and that i need to pick her up tomorrow morning at some ungodly hour so she can go to church.  is that right?  because really the child is a heathen.  i think that’s what she told me.  anyhow.  so she wanted to go somewhere to buy something for the friend this morning to which i responded sure whatever, ask your father ’cause i’m gone.  i mean i had something to do this morning.  not that i’m gone.  that goes without saying. 

    she just now said “nice” as she read my title and handed me my own version of this:

    this is what she made for her friend’s birthday present.  mine is just as cool.  i’m noticing now though that i had her make mine the exact length that i will bean myself painfully in the forehead if i make any sudden moves.  what are the odds of that.

    anyhow.  so i was at starbucks listening to very loud music and trying to read for class until i discovered that i am truly hindered by my lack of functional highlighter.  i don’t believe i have ever purchased a highlighter in my adult life.  i owned them in college, but didn’t use them.  i’m that kind of free spirit.  i didn’t like highlighting of the traditional kind.  i was using funky colored pens to underline except that my eyes are old as shit and i can’t see anymore, so i need neon to clue me in.  so there i was with a crappy highlighter that i had to lick every 5 seconds to get it to work at all and i decided this was just ridiculous, so i went to the store and bought some freaking highlighters.  i am now stocked for all eternity.  good colors too.  i also bought a journal to start writing down my random thoughts because that’s in anvil’s mfa challenge.  i can’t remember where i put it now.  sigh.  seriously 14 hours ago.  why do i not know where i’ve put this thing.  and by the time i find it, i won’t remember what it was i wanted to write in it.

    oh, yea. i was going to tell you about this morning.  what was i going to tell you.  i was at this chick church thing that i wouldn’t have bothered doing if my best friend wasn’t totally into it (and slightly in charge).  actually it wasn’t horrible.  not even a little bit horrible.  we had some interesting conversation in which i actually participated.  this is twice in large group church chick situation where i have volunteered something.  this is huge.  gotta tell ya.  anyhow.  we wrote haiku.  i wrote one acceptable one and this:

    a pause to regroup
    the flush that satisfies me
    less pressure down there

    and, yes, i shared it with the group.  because i am just that kind of inappropriate person.  i couldn’t stop giggling.  unfortunately i bagged the last activity, which it turns out was making a mandala.  bummer.  i’ve been mandaling on the mind all week.  they’ve been everywhere.  and here was my opportunity and i blew it.  sigh. 

    then i took the aforementioned friend out to lunch for her birthday which was a week or two ago.  i think she turned 30.  should have made a big deal about it.  didn’t.  but we went out for thai.  my goodness.  i love thai. from the gods.  and we even had dessert.  i must find recipe for fried banana because it is what bananas and honey were made for.

    and now i’m stuffed and sleepy and lazy.  i have 101 things to do.  and i don’t give a rip.

    oh, found my journal.  it was right there.

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